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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the DAA?

The Demarest Athletic Association (DAA) is a 501c3 non-profit organization supervising sports programs offered to the residents of Demarest, NJ.


Who is the DAA?
The DAA is comprised of a board of volunteers, all of whom are residents of Demarest, NJ. The board positions include a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, as well as 3 at large members. Four of these voting members constitute a quorum. Additional members include commissioners of the sports coordinated by the DAA. Generally, we are all parents of current players and have all been coaches for the various sports. Much like you we all have very busy personal and professional lives and are passionate about the DAA's success.


What sports are organized by the DAA?

The DAA currently organizes soccer (both indoor and outdoor), baseball, softball, and basketball leagues. If you would like to develop another sports program with sufficient interes, please let us know.


How do I become a coach?

Please see the website listed at the left. We are always in need of more parent coaches!


What is the difference between travel and recreation (rec) programs?

The philosophy of the DAA is to provide an active youth sports program to all children of Demarest, NJ regardless of playing skill. Such a rec program allows for undifferentiated athleticism to develop appropriately, building on learning the essential skills of a sport, all the while developing strong bonds between the children and coaches alike.

Travel programs allow children, all of whom must play on a Demarest rec team, to participate in a higher level of competitive sport against their peers in neighboring towns. Not all children qualify to play on travel teams, although all children are encouraged to apply themselves.


When does the DAA board meet?

Typically the DAA meets on the first Tuesday evening of each month at 7:30pm.


Where does the DAA board meet?

The Field House at Wakelee Field


Who can attend the DAA board meetings?

Any Demarest resident may attend. We encourage attendance from the public. We would love the input from people like you!


Does anyone get paid on the DAA?

No. The board serves in a volunteer capacity. The board members also pay full prices for the participation of their own children in DAA sports.


Does the DAA own the Wakelee fields?

No. While the athletic fields at Wakelee are owned and maintained solely by the borough Of Demarest, the DAA takes an active role in aiding the town. DAA volunteers prep all fields for soccer, baseball, and softball. The DAA through fund raising efforts has also installed a batting cage, new fencing, and repaired the fields as much as we can. We are continually looking to improve the fields to ensure our children are not only playing on top notch fields, but more importantly, safe ones!! 


How can I make sure my child is safe in playing in a DAA sport?

Your children's health and safety is a priority to the DAA. All DAA coaches are required to take the NJ Rutgers SAFETY training program, CDC's Heads Up! concussion online training program, and complete a background check. Any existent medical conditions must be reported at the time of signing up for a sport; please inform your child's coach about any particular concerns. Please do keep in mind that the DAA coaches are responsible for your child's safety and assurance that they develop skills in playing sports; they are not responsible for unattended supervision.


What's the deal with this new website?

In summer 2014, the website was overhauled to provide a consistent, central source of information for players and coaches. If you have any specific suggestions for improvement, please let us know (at one of our meetings).

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